February 24, 2016

Wednesday vignette: #AtTheH

I noticed a while back that all the cool kids were tagging their Instagram photos of the Huntington Desert Garden with #AtTheH, and slave to fashion that I am, I started doing that, too. (Yep, I'm @weezette on Instagram.) Turns out that the Huntington folks started the tag themselves, clever souls. And now a photo of mine is on display at the H itself! I about died of delight.

Instagram is chock-full of gardeners and plant nerds (gardenerds, as Piece of Eden puts it), and great for fast posts when you've been under the weather and tired from the day job, *cough*whoopingcough*cough*. Not that I'm counting the days until spring break or anything. So looking forward to getting back into the swing of things — tons of stuff to do in the garden, and the weather is beyond perfect right now.

More vignette goodness hosted by Anna over at Flutter & Hum.


  1. That's a great shot, Luisa, and well worthy of re-posting! The colors and textures are fabulous - thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Anna! How I love the colors and textures of succulents :~)

  2. Wow, you are officially one of the cool kids!

    I haven't been to theH since we lived in CA and that was years ago when I didn't have the appreciation for the gardens I would have now.

    I've ordered a new android device so I can join the instagram party. Should be here any day now...waiting, waiting...

    1. Yay! Do join IG -- I'll keep an eye out for you!

  3. I love those purple Opuntias - unfortunately, I'm afraid to put one in my own garden, clumsy as I can be. I checked out your Instagram page - the spider would make a great vignette too!

    1. Thanks, Kris! I try to put them [cactus and chollas] where they won't be TOO much of a threat. Opuntia addiction...

  4. How cool! One of mine got selected too. I always like finding new garden bloggers on Instagram.

    1. Very cool, Renee! I'm running off now to find you on IG...

  5. Thanks for the low-down (trying to talk like a cool kid). Next time I'm #AtTheH...

    1. OMG (sorry - I blame years and years of middle-school students for this stuff��) The Huntington would hire you (and Gerhard, and Denise, and Hoov B, and Mr. Hoov B) in a heartbeat, your photos are so awesome. And you're already the coolest!

  6. What everybody else said. Awesome photo. I do follow you on Instagram.

    1. Thanks, Gerhard! (Your front lawn conversion / grand reveal is killing me with its awesomeness!)

  7. Gorgeous photo! Love it. I need to get this instagram thing.


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