June 30, 2011

Nest-building: Western Wood-Pewee

I love this photo. [And I owe you one like this, after the previous post.] Click for big. Pamela Kling took this shot of a Western Wood-Pewee putting the finishing touches on her nest of grasses and moss and spider webs, high in the elbow of a pine bough in the San Bernardino National Forest. [Photo used with permission.] Spotted the nest  on the north shore of Bluff Lake, where everything is green and beautiful, as you can see from my snapshot below. As I've said a few dozen times, the difference between the west [green] end of the Big Bear Valley and the dry, near-desert east end never fails to impress.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful nest. Here, in Panama, the Western WP is a transient migrant, VERY difficult to recognize because we also have the Eastern WP by the same time (usually none of them vocalizing) plus the very similar Tropical Pewee!


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